Find Peace And Safeguard Your Spiritual Health With Our Ruqya Today

Experience Holistic Spiritual Recovery with Our Expert Ruqya Practitioners in the Heart of Newcastle
I Seek Refuge By Alla - By Lord Richard MacLeod

What is Ruqya?

Ruqya, is a traditional Islamic practice used for spiritual healing and safeguarding. It involves recitations from the Quran and supplications, specifically seeking protection against the evil eye, black magic, and other spiritual ailments. Rooted in the Sunnah, Ruqya serves as a means to invoke Allah’s aid in healing. It can be conducted by oneself or by a knowledgeable practitioner. This therapeutic method emphasises the power of divine words for holistic well-being, aligning with Islamic teachings and promoting mental, spiritual, and physical health. It’s a non-invasive, faith-based approach to addressing unseen challenges affecting individuals.

Our Approach

At Newcastle’s Islamic Centre, our Ruqya sessions embody strict adherence to Islamic teachings. Conducted by experienced practitioners, we perform Ruqya with authentic Quranic verses and prophetic supplications, ensuring a spiritually enriching experience. Our approach is compassionate, confidential, and in full compliance with Islamic jurisprudence, providing a sanctuary for those seeking solace from spiritual distress. We prioritise the well-being of our community, offering a serene environment where the healing words of the Quran resonate, fostering peace and spiritual recovery in accordance with the Sunnah.

Ruqya Shari'yah

The Healing Power of the Qur'an

The Qur’an is the veritable word of Allah (SWT), bestowed upon the Prophet Muhammad (PBUH) not solely as guidance for humanity but also as a source of spiritual remedy and healing for a myriad of afflictions, including the expulsion of demons, black magic, and the evil eye. It is imperative to recognise that the Qur’an offers benefits across all facets of life; socially, economically, spiritually, and physically. Comprehension of the healing (Shifā) inherent in the Qur’an is, in itself, a form of healing, and those who grasp this attain its blessings. Allah (SWT) has explicitly stated in the Qur’an that the words of The Creator are a solace and mercy for the faithful. Hence, when embraced with absolute belief and in seeking the aid of Allah (SWT), this treatment can yield profound and miraculous recoveries from all types of illnesses. Allah (SWT) proclaims: “And We send down of the Qur’an that which is a healing and a mercy to those who believe” [Sūrāt al-Isrā, 17:82].

Sihr (Magic)

Sihr, derived from the concept of being concealed or clandestine, refers to the secretive practices of its exponents who seek to ingratiate themselves with shaytān. The term ‘magic’ encompasses the collusion between the sāhir (sorcerer) and shayāteen (devils), who reciprocally assist one another to foment discord within society, which is the quintessence of sihr. It enables the manifestation of illusions and deceptions, bewildering people and leading their perceptions astray, making the untrue seem true. The Qur’an provides evidence of this when Allah (SWT) recounts: “They said: ‘O Mūsā! Will you cast first, or shall we be the first to cast?’” [Qur’ān, 20:65]. Mūsā replied: “Rather, you throw.” And suddenly, their ropes and staffs seemed to him, through their magic, to be moving swiftly [Qur’ān, 20:66]. And Allah (SWT) is the most knowledgeable.


The term ‘Jinn’ originates from the Arabic ‘Jann’, meaning concealed from vision. These beings, created by Allah (SWT) from a smokeless flame, possess free will, enabling them to discern and choose between morality and immorality. The scholarly consensus among the Imāms of the Ahl us-Sunnah wal-Jamā’ah confirms that Jinn can inhabit humans. This is supported by the words of Allah (SWT): “Those who consume usury cannot stand except as one stands who is being beaten by Satan into insanity.” (Qur’ān, 2:275). Jinn possession, often likened to illness, uses the Arabic term ‘mass’ (possession) akin to ‘junoon’ (insanity). Possession typically occurs for various reasons, predominantly through sihr (sorcery) and al-‘Ayn (the evil eye). It is imperative for those afflicted to draw nearer to Allah (SWT) through Islamic means as prescribed in the Sharī’ah, and to eschew practices not endorsed by the faith. And Allah (SWT) is the most knowledgeable.


Al-‘Ayn, the Arabic term for the evil eye, refers to the harm inflicted upon someone through a look fuelled sometimes by jealousy or malice. It occurs when a person’s envious gaze, perhaps upon admiring an object, unintentionally casts a negative influence. This concept is supported by the directive given to Prophet Muhammad (PBUH) by Allah (SWT) to seek protection from the malevolence of the envious, as stated: “And from the evil of the envier when he envies” [Qur’ān, 113:5]. It is crucial to recognise that while those who give the evil eye are driven by envy, not all who feel envy are capable of casting the evil eye. Allah (SWT) is the ultimate authority on all matters.

Mental Health

Mental health conditions encompass a range of disorders that can affect one’s thoughts, emotions, and overall well-being. Commonly stemming from daily stress and anxiety, these conditions can often be managed or even resolved with early intervention and proper care. Conditions such as schizophrenia, bipolar disorder, and panic disorder fall into two primary categories: ‘neurotic’, which includes emotional states like anxiety and depression, and ‘psychotic’, characterised by a distorted perception of reality, potentially manifesting as hallucinations. It’s important to acknowledge the potential link between mental health issues and Jinn possession, a topic that warrants further exploration. Accurate diagnosis and treatment should always be conducted by qualified health professionals. Allah (SWT) is the ultimate source of knowledge.

Main rules of Ruqya

hYou don’t need a Raqi/Muslim knowledgeable person to perform the Ruqya on you for Ruqya can be performed by:

  1. oneself,
  2. other Muslims or
  3. a Raqi As long the following three conditions have been observed.

Whoever performs the Ruqya must adhere strictly to three essential conditions to harness its intended healing efficacy:

Monotheism التوحيد Arabic Calligraphy by Lord Richard MacLeod


It has to be ONLY by the names or characteristics of Allah (azkar) or Quran and no one else.

Iman Faith الإيمان Arabic Calligraphy by Lord Richard MacLeod


It must be done with a strong and deep belief that it will heal but only by the will of Allah.

Arabic العربيه Arabic Calligraphy by Lord Richard MacLeod


It should be in the Arabic language and with words that are clear and legible Arabic words.

Ruqya Session Process

A Step-by-Step Guide

Initial Consultation

Begin with a one-on-one 15 minute complementary discussion to understand your specific needs and concerns.

Intention Setting

Set a clear, sincere intention (niyyah) for the session, aligning it with seeking help and healing from Allah.

Recitation of Al-Fatiha:

The session starts with the recitation of Surah Al-Fatiha, a powerful chapter from the Quran, known for its healing properties.

Quranic Recitation

Continue to recite selected verses from the Quran that are known for their protective and healing effects.

Supplication (Du'a)

Supplications to Allah, asking for relief and healing from any afflictions.

Blowing and Wiping Over

The Raqi may gently blow over the person or wipe over their body (male to male only), following the Sunnah, to impart the blessings of the recited verses.

Drinking Water / Zamzam

The Raqi will blow over water (Zamzam if available) and offer it to drink, which is believed to have healing qualities.

Advisory Conclusion

The session concludes with advice on continuing personal Ruqya and living a lifestyle in accordance with Islamic teachings for sustained spiritual health.

Follow-Up Support

Arrange for follow-up sessions or support, if necessary, to monitor progress and provide ongoing spiritual care.

The Islamic Centre of Newcastle Lets Talk

Let's Talk

We are happy to offer you a 15-minute complimentary session. This can be over the phone or via Zoom to find out about you and see if we can help you with your challenges and if we are the right fit for each other.

Choose from the below table which method you would like to use (Phone or Zoom), choose a suitable time for you from the availability we have.. Get ready with your question, that’s it.

Talk soon!

Fees - Green English Pound Label By Lord MacLeod


Embark on a journey of spiritual healing with our Ruqya sessions, thoughtfully priced at £75 for a 45-minute session. Serving the Newcastle area within a 10-mile radius, we ensure accessibility and convenience. For those further afield, additional charges apply to accommodate travel. Secure your path to well-being with us.

Frequent Asked Questions

For your convenience, we have compiled a comprehensive list of frequently asked questions about Ruqya, complete with detailed answers. This resource aims to enhance your understanding and address common queries. Should you require further information or guidance, please do not hesitate to contact us.

What is Ruqya and its purpose in Islamic healing?

Ruqya is an Islamic healing practice through reciting specific verses from the Quran and supplications. Its purpose is spiritual healing and protection against various ailments and negative influences.

How does Ruqya align with Islamic teachings and principles?

Ruqya aligns with Islamic teachings as it involves the use of Quranic verses and prophetic supplications, emphasising reliance on Allah’s power and mercy for healing

Can Ruqya be performed on oneself, and if so, how?

Yes, individuals can perform Ruqya on themselves by reciting specific Quranic verses and supplications with the intention of seeking Allah’s protection and healing.

What are the signs that one may benefit from a Ruqya session?

Signs include unexplained physical or mental distress, persistent negative thoughts, or unusual disturbances in one’s life that do not have a clear medical or psychological cause.

Do you offer free sessions?

We do offer an initial 15-minute consultation complementary session. Click here to book it now.

This will not be to perform the Ruqya but rather to find out about the symptoms and to see if we can help. 

Are there specific verses from the Quran used in Ruqya?

Yes, specific verses such as Al-Fatiha, Ayat al-Kursi, and the last two verses of Surah Al-Baqarah are commonly used in Ruqya.

What is the role of a Raqi, and how can one be consulted?

A Raqi is a person skilled in performing Ruqya. They can be consulted through local mosques, Islamic centres, or known community references and we are happy to provide this service for our community. Contact us to book your session. 

What is the success rate?

“Regarding spiritual relief, our experience indicates an 80% improvement after the first session, with similar levels of relief following the second or third session. However, we do not have specific statistics for physical outcomes. It’s crucial to understand that the efficacy of Ruqya is deeply connected to individual faith and the will of Allah. This practice is a pathway to seek solace and healing for various conditions, encompassing both the spiritual and physical realms. Nonetheless, it is essential to recognise that Ruqya, as a spiritual practice, is not a substitute for professional medical care for physical or mental health issues.”

How often should one undergo Ruqya?

Some may require multiple sessions, while others may need it less frequently. The frequency depends on individual needs and circumstances. 

What should one do if they feel no improvement after Ruqya?

Seek advice from knowledgeable Raqi or Imam, and consider medical or psychological evaluation for persistent issues.

Can children undergo Ruqya, and are there any age restrictions?

Yes, children can undergo Ruqya with no specific age restrictions. Parental guidance and presence are advised

What distinguishes Ruqya from other forms of spiritual healing?

Ruqya is specific to Islamic teachings, utilising Quranic verses and prophetic supplications, distinguishing it from other spiritual practices.

Can non-Muslims benefit from Ruqya?

Yes, it can bring spiritual comfort and peace for non-Muslims but believing is the corner stone for the Ruqya to work.

What happens if I cancel my session?

A 48-hour notice is required for cancellations, otherwise no refund is issued.


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15 + 13 =

Message from the founder

As the founder and Imam-Counsellor of this centre, I established it to bridge the gap between spiritual guidance and modern relationship counselling. I identified a need for a service that addresses immediate issues while respecting and incorporating Islamic values. I will devote my unique blend of Islamic teachings and contemporary counselling methods to guide you through life’s challenges, aiming to bring emotional and spiritual harmony into your life. My team and I will devote our efforts to support you through life’s challenges. We aim to bring emotional and spiritual harmony into your life by empowering you to build stronger, more fulfilling relationships.

Ibn Bahjat

Imam and Counsellor Richard MacLeod - Ibn Bahjat
Asef ZahedAsef Zahed
16:38 24 Aug 23
Very professional and helpful at answering and organising Nikkah ceremony
I recently had the privilege of having my nikah ceremony at the Islamic Center of Newcastle, and I cannot express enough how impressed and delighted my partner and I were with the entire experience. From the warm welcome we received to the flawless execution of the program, the Islamic Center exceeded our expectations in every way.One standout aspect of our experience was the accommodating nature of the imam who conducted the nikah ceremony. His knowledge, wisdom, and ability to create a serene and heartfelt atmosphere were truly remarkable. The imam took the time to explain the significance of each step of the ceremony, ensuring that we understood the sacredness of the occasion. His sincerity and genuine care for our happiness made the experience all the more memorable.The Islamic Center of Newcastle provided us with an unforgettable experience for our nikah ceremony. The warm welcome, flawless program execution, and the accommodating nature of the imam left us with cherished memories that we will treasure for a lifetime. I highly recommend the Islamic Center of Newcastle to anyone seeking a venue for their special events, as they truly excel in providing a memorable and meaningful experience.
Sasha QuarringtonSasha Quarrington
11:19 30 Jun 23
Such a beautiful and welcoming centre - today we had a marriage ceremony for myself being Christian and my partner who is Muslim - the ceremony was lovely and explained every step alongside celebrating the milestone of the relationship! We then entered the lounge (comfy sofas and coffee bar!) for a drink and a chat which was perfect
reem ghanimareem ghanima
14:10 14 Jun 23
It’s an awesome experience, very helpful team, all done the best way ever. Thank you Nashwa, Imam Richard 🙏🏻
Abdulla AlHosaniAbdulla AlHosani
14:08 14 Jun 23
Wonderful centre, were very comprehensive, efficient, and in line with the values and principle of Islam from my experience. Allahuma Barik.
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